Friday, April 22, 2016


" The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change so that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger but in wisdom, understanding and love." - Jennifer Edwards
     In the dance world unfortunately it is pretty common that a dancer gets injure or has to miss a competition. This means formation changes, and choreography changes. This can get very stressful very quickly for a dancer but you must remember to stay calm. With change comes mistakes. You have muscle memory of other choreography and different formation changes to the same piece of music and you have to teach yourself to not go on auto pilot but instead to focus and execute the changes. However, mistakes are inevitable, they will always be present. There are very few times when a group comes off stage and not a single person messed up, maybe everyone was on time, knew the choreography, and knew all their formations but someone might have forgotten to point their toes on a jump or something of the sort.
      What seperates dancers in times of change is how they cope with it. Do they get upset? Do they take the challenge? Do the give up and be pessimistic? Or do they stay optimistic? I believe that in times of change a dancer should stay optimistic, change might mean a better spot in the formation, or practicing a new skill. It can even just mean moving your body in a different way. However all of these things contribute to them becoming a better dancer.
     In the end you choose your own outcome you choose if you are going to find the good in life or focus and dwell on the bad. You choose if you make up for your mistake and push harder or let it effect you the rest of the dance and the rest of the day. So keep in mind there is good that can come out of everything whether it is becoming a better dancer or becoming a better person and learning a lesson and it is your choice to make stressful situations into learning experiences.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Learn how you Learn

"The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice." - Brian Herbert
    Learning comes differently to everyone. Some people are visual learners while others are verbal learners and some are both. Some pick things up faster than others and some give up in the learning process. However, it is extremely important to figure out how you learn best. If you learn better standing in the front, or maybe in the back, centered or off to the side. One way of learning isn't necessarily better than any other, it just matters what way is most effective for you.
      Once you figure out how you learn you can be more aware of yourself and then this is where you have to be a smart dancer. This means maybe not standing next to your best friend it means taking initiative and doing what is going to benefit you the most. By knowing how you learn best also can show you what you need to improve on. If you are more of a visual learner, try to work on learning verbally. It wont be easy but it will make you a more rounded dancer and improve your memory and retention which is a crucial part about being a dancer especially in an audition.
       Now learning dances is not the only type of learning you do in dance, you also learn a lot of life skills like time management. You have to figure out when to do your homework, eat dinner, hang out with your friends, and make it to school events while still keeping up with dance. You also learn how to give and take corrections with a positive and constructive attitude. This will not just help you with dance but it will also help you when you enter the work force. Getting and applying corrections is very important and I believe there is no better place to learn this than at dance class. On top of this you also learn good team skills and commitment. While dancing you have to be there for one another pump each other up when it feels as if there is no oxygen left in the room. Dance also takes a bunch of time so it is a big commitment. Employers in the future will value this greatly.
       So basically what I am trying to say is that if you can figure out how you learn best you will not only further your dancing abilities but you will also become a better person. What could be better? All it takes is a little effort and hard work.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


   The Dancers Edge Company (competition group) always puts on a big production number that is always a hit. Every person in the company participates in this production number. This year their was 90 plus dancers ranging from ages five to eighteen years old. The Dancers Edge production numbers are always very well thought out and this weekend at Masquerade dance competition they received the creative concept award for the brilliance of the piece.
     This year the piece is called "Field Trip" where a young group of school girls goes to visit the United States History Museum. On this trip two girls disobey the teacher and escape the group to go off and explore on their own. While they do this the museum comes to life. First they are startled and chased by statues. Then the five year old girls come on in six foot tall dinosaur costumes because they want to play catch the girls are startled and then realize they are friendly. After that the Tiki Warriors and Cave Women scare the dinosaurs away and dance with shields and spears. Next the security guards realize what is going on and try to get ahold of the museum people, only until they get distracted by a box of donuts and the warriors get away. The Huns then come on and fight the security guards away from the donuts. While a Hun is scaring the two mischievous school girls the wild west cowboys and girls save the day and lasso the Huns away. After the wild west hoedown they greet Cleopatra and her girls who then great the United States Presidents who are actually ten year old girls that entire from behind a giant American Flag. The best part about these presidents are that they are doing hip hop. After this all ninety plus students swarm on the stage and do some choreography together. The Museum then goes back to how it was and the school girls along with their class and teacher get back on the bus and ride back to school.
      This piece is around eight minutes long and is a lot of work. It forces a lot of dancers to go out of their box to become characters other than themselves. Overall it is a huge hit and a lot of fun. It is a great way to be pushed and become a better dancer.

Friday, April 15, 2016


    Having a strong core is a crucial part about being an amazing dancer. Your core holds all of your control and is where all of your movement should initiate from. Many dancers believe their core is engaged and is being used correctly but recently my teacher at The Dancers Edge discovered that the majority of dancers are not using their core correctly. She explains proper core usage in three steps.
First: pull your core in, feel like you are getting your belly button all the way to your spine however you should still be able to breathe.
Second: pull your hip flexors upwards to create proper alignment and minimize the curvature in your back (a little curve is fine but there should be a noticeable difference from when you were standing relaxed and how you normally do.)
Lastly. lengthen through your spine separating each vertebrae out through the top of your head. While doing this it should push your shoulder down engaging your back as well.
    This seems like a lot of steps but once you get the hang of it, it becomes natural and makes a huge difference. Not only does it keep you on your balance but it makes you look way more powerful and can improve your technical abilities. In just weeks by doing this I have added two more rotations on my pirouettes to get me up to five rotations now. Along with this it eliminates your shoulders from rising while dancing which is a problem many dancers run into and get comments on at dance competitions.
      If it doesn't work for you the first time keep trying because you have to get worse before you get better because you are trying something new that you body isn't used to. So keep trying because I have yet to see this method fail. My teacher is a genius.

First Lasts

There comes a time in life where things you love come to an end and today I am experiencing my "first last" when it comes to dance. Today is the last time I will ever try out for the Kennedy Varsity Dance Team which I have tried out and been a part of for the last three years. It is very bitter sweet.
      I will not miss the nerves of tryout week or having to be three places at once and being the "young duckling" on the team(what the seniors called us freshmen year). But I will miss getting the phone call and excitement of being told I am on the team, getting to meet many new people and welcome them into our Kennedy Dance Team family like they did to me 3 years ago, learning new choreography spending every day of the summer at early morning practices with my favorite people. I have one year left and I am going to make the most of this however this year will be very different from the past three considering I along with the other 7 senior girls have big shoes to fill and a lot of responsibilities to meet.
      It is  now our time after the long a waited three years to pick out the clothing we wear to football games and camp. What dances we do at half time, where to have team meals and what to have to eat at them. It is also our turn to lead the team and create a new powerhouse. Although knowing this is the first of many lasts I will experience this year I think it is time, I believe us eight juniors, soon to be seniors are ready for the challenge and to bring new ideas to the team. Not only do we need to lead the team but we need to also figure out and plan for our futures.
       So in a way this year isn't only going to be a year filled with lasts, but also a year filled with numerous new beginnings that have been long awaited.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Share your Story

"Dancing is an art. The floor is the canvas. And I am the brush. And whatever I create comes from the heart." - anonymous
       One of the biggest challenges of being a dancer is the performance aspect and "selling" the piece, making it believable. Some dancers are lucky and are born with it and others have to work extremely hard at it. However, the number of dancers who master it are slim, especially in a lyrical or contemporary piece. This is because it is easy to smile and be cheesy, but to look genuine while dancing a story about heart break or loss is hard to not over do and make it look believable.
         The beauty of every lyrical and contemporary dance is not in big moves, sky high jumps, or powerful reaches; it is in the rawness and realness of the dancers. While dancing contemporary you can not force your face to look heart broken, or confused, helpless, hopeful, or anything you can imagine. You have to feel it internally and let it show out. You have to think of a time in your life and relate it to that and tell your story, and that's what is so beautiful about it. When watching a contemporary piece that is performed well you don't necessarily know each persons story but what you do know is that it is real. You are watching someone dance their feelings and share their story. That's as personal as it can get, and they are sharing it with people that they have never met before or maybe even people that put them in that place.
         So something to help you reach this state of performance is to write out the story line, figure out what you are dancing about and then write your story down. Next listen to the words and let the music move you and tell its story. Then without a care or worry in the world. Allow yourself to share your story with out any words and have your story be where your mind is not on how high you can jump or how flexible you are. Have your mind on you.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Stay Hydrated

As a dancer it is very important that we keep our bodies healthy due to the strenuous activities we put it through. One of the hardest things for me is to stay hydrated. Crazy I know. I am the type of person that thinks if I am not thirsty then I don't need to drink anything. However, this is very bad for my body because once you think you are thirsty you are already dehydrated. Hydration may seem like a minuscule of a problem but in the large scheme of things it can cause countless issues.
        Not only does it cause big issues but it also causes small ones like headaches and such. Nobody likes headaches but if you drink the right amount of water you can reduce the amount of headaches you get by about half. I know this from personal experience. Not only does it do that but staying hydrated improves how you feel over all. Ever since I have stayed hydrated I have a lot more energy, I am more lively and talkative. It is easier for me to focus and I am a million times more productive. I am also happier. Not to mention I haven't got sick since I have been regulating my water intake.
      So here are some things that you can do to make sure you are staying hydrated.
        Set goals for how much water you should drink before a certain time and make sure you reach that goal.
      Then you must make sure you always have a water bottle with you so you can actually drink it.
        Next if you do not necessarily like water or would prefer to drink something else then you can buy water flavor enhancers. They make many different brands and flavors and they have zero calories. When ever I squeeze these in my water I can't stop drinking it because it is so good.
       These silly trick have made my life more lively and fun. If I knew a year ago that all it would take was more water to improve how I felt then I would have been a happy camper. However, it is never too late to start a good new habit and keeping yourself hydrated is one that you will not regret.

10 reasons why I dance

Dance has been a huge part of my life since I was 2. Without dance my life would be completely boring and I would have half of the friends I do now. So here is the top ten reasons why I dance in no particular order.
1.) It keeps me in shape and it is a great way to exercise
2.) Dance has helped improve my memory which is extremely helpful in a school setting and just in life in general
3.) With having dance so often I have learned how to manage my time in an effective way. This is a skill that will be useful all through out my life time and something that everyone should learn.
4.) I have met a numerous amount of amazing, kind hearted, hardworking people through this art form. I have met many of my best friends through dance.
5.) It gives me an escape. When I'm sad or happy or frustrated I know that no matter what I can dance it out and feel better. It's something that will always be there for me and that no one can take away from me.
6.) It keeps me busy. I love to always be on the go and dance probably made me this way. With going from school to practice to another practice makes every moment exciting.
7.) You have the ability to not only let out your emotions but make others feel something. By dancing and doing what I love I have the ability to move people.
8.) There are no rules. You can be yourself and do what you want and no one can stop you because it's you, music, and an empty room.
9.) Being on stage performing is the best feeling that one can possibly experience. Knowing everything you worked for was for that moment and having it pay off is incredible.
10.) Dance has shaped who I am. It has made me more comfortable and confident with myself, and it has led me to the incredibly talented and loving people that are in my life today.
Dance has and always will hold a special place in my heart and I will continue to do it till the day I die.

Thursday, April 7, 2016


"Practice like you have never won. Perform like you have never lost." - anonymous
        Many people do not think of dancers as being strong and muscular; they think of them being small and dainty. However, dancers are some of the most muscular athletes you may come across even if they don't look like it. Football players and dancers both have to have a lot of core muscle to perform well, but how they build that core muscle is quite different. Football players core muscles are built outwards and bulge to create the six-pack affect. This is very effective and efficient for them, although, it is not for dancers. Everyone has multiple abdominal layers, and what dancers do is focus on the inner abdominal muscle, and build from the inside. Even though a dancer might not look like they have a six-pack they still might have a stronger core than football players.
         This is an effective way for dancers to build muscle because your core is also your back and your sides. The studio I attend (The Dancers Edge) likes to think of your core like a cereal box, there are all sides including a top and a bottom and if you take one side out of the box all the cereal will spill out. If a dancer doesn't properly use all the sides of her core simultaneously her/ his alignment will be all out of whack causing an issue in her/ his dancing.
          I have been taught that to properly engage your core as a dancer you must complete three steps.
The first step is to tighten your abs, however while doing this you must think of sucking your belly button into your spine. This does not mean just suck in, you should be able to breathe easily while completing this step.
           Next you have to also engage your gluts and hip flexors, your hip flexors should be pulled up, decreasing the curvature in your spine.
          The last and hardest step is to separate each vertebrae and lengthen up, while doing this you must pull your shoulders back and down and let your head grow a few inches taller.
         By engaging your core the proper way like this you are ensuring great alignment and lowered shoulders through out your movement and technical steps. On top of all of this it also gives your movement more power to add to your performance.


" See your goal
   Understand the obstacles
  Create a positive mental picture
  Clear your mind of self doubt
  Embrace the challenge
  Stay on track
  Show the world you can do it." -anonymous
       This quote is a great example of what Kennedy High Schools Varsity Show Choir Happiness inc. did at show choir nationals in Nashville Tennessee this weekend.
       Happiness inc is generally a very competitively successful group. Winning many grand champions and even winning showchoir nationals before and being named Americas favorite show choir. However this year was an off year for them. With the evolution of show choir some individuals didn't love the show and some didn't understand that their wasn't a theme throughout. Even though their show wasn't translating and they didn't get all the out comes they had wanted, they still continued to work hard and push through.
      After going back through to clean their choreography and taking out a whole number they headed to Nashville Tennessee. They were lucky enough to be able to stay at the Gaylord hotel and perform in one of the most iconic music venues in all of history; The Grand Ole Opry. Just that was a once in a life time opportunity.
       Happiness went out and did their best show knowing that the judges may not be in their favor and keeping in mind that the future is unknown. However despite the odds Happiness made finals and finally got rewarded for their hard work. They wanted to attempt to move up in finals but that didn't happen however they still are the 6th best showchoir in America.
       To get their they had to take some risks. An acapella ballad with out a conductor is one of them. No one else did that and it is a very difficult thing to do. They also took out a whole number, a whole number that they just took out and decided to never do again. Some people would think these things are outrageous things to do but happiness did them and finally go the outcome they wanted and deserved.


"Do it for the little beginners who used to watch the big girls in their sparkles dresses and think I want to be her someday." -anonymous
     Many dancers find themselves watching other amazing dancers and comparing themselves to them. Wishing and wondering why they can't be them, why they aren't as talented or gifted as them. Well, this is the exact opposite of what you should do. Doing this will just decrease your self confidence and lessen your talent because you will play it safe and be worrying about what you look like and who is judging you. Now, what you should do is let other people's talent inspire you. Make others talent a tool for your improvment.
       As a dancer it is very very important to be inspired whether it improves your performance or your improv or just makes you want to move more and work harder. To be inspired is important and a feeling that everyone should feel at least once in their life time. However, not only is it a great thing to be inspired but it is also a great feeling to inspire
       Whether you know it or not you always have someone looking up to you; a little girl, a class mate, or even a teacher wishing they had your abilities and passion when they were young and nimble like you. You can lead the young girls that look up to you in a good or bad way, and hopefully you choose to make it a good way. The little girls don't just watch you dance when you are giving it your all on stage under the hot lights, but they also watch you in class. This being said they often pick up your class and rehearsal habits along with this.
      The little girls that think the world of you might not understand yet that talking in class is not the most effective way to improve your dancing abilities and achieve your goals in a timely manner. They also may see you not always giving one hundred percent and this will cause them to do the same. In other words, being an older girl at the studio is a big responsibility, basically the studio is in your hands. Although it is a lot of pressure it is easy to make the right decision and set a good example to the little ones you inspire. While doing this you will improve and further your talent even more. It's a win win and it is just as easy to inspire as it is to be inspired.

Line Dancing

Being a dancer, any opportunity to dance is very exciting for me. Luckily for me, on my trip to Nashville not only did I dance on the Grand Ole Opry stage, I learned a new dance style on the floor at the Wild Horse Saloon.

Upon walking into the saloon I was overwhelmed with excitement. The first thing I saw was a large group of people who were my age, having fun on the dance floor. I grabbed my all of my friends right away and ran out to the floor. Everyone was doing something called line dancing. Line dancing isn't just standing in rows dancing, which is what I thought it was prior to this trip. What makes it different from other dance styles is that it is interactive. This means that usually, someone is teaching the group a dance or even is dancing with the group. In my case, there was a woman up on the stage, located right in front of the dance floor, teaching us the dance. Once she decided that we had practiced enough, she turned on some music and we showed off our new skills. For example, we learned a dance called the triple step. It's a short dance sequence with different variations of step-touch moves. For me, the dance was very easy to learn, considering my past as a dancer. On dance team or in classes at the dance studio I attend, you have to be able to catch on to the dance you are learning rather quickly to be able to keep up with the group, and keep the learning process going. So, with such simple moves, and in a easy going environment, learning this dance was no challenge for me.

I had so much fun learning a new dance style in Nashville. Being able to experience dance in new ways with unique people and different cultures is one of the reasons I love dance so much. No matter where you go, there is always a way to dance. The styles practiced around the world are all so different. They can have different music, beats, style, speed and more. Every dance is truly unique. It excites me when I am allowed the opportunity to share my talent with people from all over. In situations like this one, I feel as though all of these years of hard work have finally paid off. I get personal joy from dancing at home, but I know that at the Wild Horse Saloon, I was able to show off my skills, and spread joy to others.