Saturday, November 14, 2015

Why KHS should have their dance team on the track

        In past years cheerleaders and the dance team have both done sidelines at football games for Kennedy High School. However, the past two years the cheerleaders have decided it was not fair that the dance team girls got to dance on the sidelines because it was the cheerleaders job. So the dance team hasn't done sidelines the past two years to eliminate conflict, and now they may not ever get to do them again.
         I am on the dance team and i think it is absolutely ridiculous that the dance team isn't allowed to be on the sidelines helping support their schools football team. I am a junior and my freshmen year we still did sidelines and it was my favorite part of the year. Performing at half to music that no one can hear and having no one pay attention because they are too invested in their conversations is not quite as fun. So i am going to really push to be able to do sidelines my senior year.
           The sad part is that majority of the student section asks us dance team girls why we aren't on the sideline and they tell us how they wish we still were because they liked us dancing. The football team too says they miss hearing our sideline music; and i often have teachers question me on why we don't do sidelines anymore and say that they miss us dancing on the track. How is this fair? Our school has let the cheerleaders who are supposed to support every activity make an administrative decision. Yes, i believe this decision should be made by the student body and administration not just the cheerleaders.
            We are one of the only high schools in the area that doesn't have our dance team dancing on the track, and you will not find a single college with a dance team that doesn't do sidelines at the games. In fact colleges call their dance team and cheerleaders combined the spirit squad. I think this is a perfect name because the cheerleaders and dance team are both for the same team.We have recently had two of our dance team girls graduate and make D1 college dance teams and they both said how upset they were that we are unable to do sidelines now. Their reasoning is because a lot of us girls on the team now aspire to be on a college team just like them and they said there is no way we will be ready for game days. On game days the college dance teams do pre-game, sideline, cheers, halftime, and more sidelines and cheers. Our team gets to do halftime only.
             Since we are supporting the same team and are the only school in the area whose dance team never gets to dance on the track and do sidelines, i think it is a little out of hand and that Kennedy High Schools student body and administration should make a vote to bring us back down on the track for at least the first half of the game; because in all reality it should be an administrative and student body decision not a cheerleader or dance team decision.

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