Saturday, December 5, 2015


          This Thursday and Friday were the long awaited days of many high school and college dance teams in the state of Iowa. It was the annual state dance team competition, that over two hundred and seventy high school dance teams participated in. Iowa has the largest state dance team competition in the nation, with two hundred and seventy high school teams and twenty five colleges, so the stakes are high and everyone has their end result on their mind. 
          Teams are allowed to compete 3 routines and there are endless amounts of categories such as military, hoopla, coed, production, lights, and the most popular Pom, lyrical, jazz, and hip hop.
The Kennedy dance team participated in this state competition just like they do every year, but this year they were even more excited than years past. They have the largest team they have had in many years. They left on Thursday night shortly after school. On Thursday at school they had the winter pep assembly where they performed their jazz routine for their student body of over two thousand. This was in preparation for the weekend and to show the school all they had been working towards. Many staff members and students reported back to the dance team that they believed it was the best jazz routine they have seen from the Kennedy dance team in many years. 
         Kennedy dance team is usually known for their upbeat hard hitting Pom routines. So, at the state competition they competed their two routines Pom and jazz. 
The Kennedy high school dance team performed at 1:30 and 6:40 awards were shortly after where they received division one ratings in both dances and placed sixth in both routines as well. This is a huge accomplishment considering they are in the top divisions for both of their routines due to the enormous amount of kids that attend their high school. 
         The dance team has had such a great season so far, but they are not done yet, they will be defending their title as regional champions in Pom and jazz and the UDA regional dance competition at the Mall of America in January. Believe me, they will be stronger than ever for this competition to show everyone this is their best year yet.

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