Thursday, January 28, 2016

Cardio for Dancers

"It takes an athlete to dance, but an artist to be a dancer." - anonymous
      It is very important for dancers to be fit because while doing this art form you contract and release every single muscle in your body. One struggle of many dancers is what cardio to do, obviously do core workouts and stuff like that but specifically what for cardio is a big debate.
       Many professionals believe that running is terrible for dancers. This is because running uses muscles in different ways than dancers do and this creates a great amount of muscle in your quadriceps group. However muscle is great and dancers need a lot of it, it is not good when your quadriceps over power your hamstrings. This is because the hamstrings help straighten your legs and those are the muscles you are supposed to use to lift your legs in a dance to make it look more effortless and cause less strain. Another issue with dancers running and overdeveloped quadriceps is that it makes it look as if the dancers legs are not fully straightened because of how the muscle builds and looks. This is a problem, and I would know since I am a dancer who also runs a lot. Judges mistake your runners legs for softened knees and will doc you points, this seems unfair but while you are dancing they are unable to tell if your legs aren't straightening because of your muscle curvature or just out of pure laziness.
        Don't worry there are many other ways to get in your cardio, my favorite way by far is definitely Zumba. Not only is this type of cardio fun but it is perfect for dancers because it is dancing. You can make up your own routines to hit songs, go to a Zumba class, watch a video and follow along, or there is even Xbox and Wii Zumba games so you can play and compete with friends for points while also getting a cardio work out in. While this isn't the only cardio workout to get you to stay away from running it is a great alternative.
        Also don't be discouraged if you love to run, you can still continue to do that and be a phenomenal dancer just make sure to stretch out your hamstrings really good after you run, this will keep your ability to straighten your legs. The worst thing that you could do though is not do any cardio at all.  

Sunday, January 24, 2016


"Surround yourself with those who challenge you push you and motivate you." - anonymous
     As a dancer one of the best traits you can have is the ability to take corrections. This can transform a good dancer in to a beyond comparable dancer. However, taking corrections isn't always the easiest thing to do, it can make you feel bad about yourself, or turn you into a monster that you normally are not.
      To be a good teammate it is crucial that you give the people on your team corrections to push them and make not just the person improve as a dancer but the team as a whole will improve. There are some things you must keep in mind while giving corrections though. You must give corrections with a positive tone because corrections can be taken very harshly. Another thing to keep in mind is what mood is the person in at the moment if they are having a bad day make sure you take it a little easier, but still point out the correction. In most cases the correction will not be applied right away every time and you need to realize that that is perfectly ok. Lastly make sure you explain your correction thoroughly so they understand, and that you give them a positive as well and congratulate them on their accomplishments.
       Some things to keep in mind while taking a correction are that corrections aren't personal, the person is correcting you because they know you have the potential to do better and they want you to get better. Take corrections with a positive mindset, always thank them because they are giving you corrections to make you better. Lastly make sure you attempt to apply them right away and ask if you do not understand the correction.
       These things can improve a team tremendously, just remember that corrections are supposed to be positive things not negative things.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Rope Stretches

"I will find strength in pain." - anonymous
       Any dancer knows that stretching is a very important part of your warm up and something that can help improve your abilities. Now do not confuse being flexible with being a good dancer because there are some great dancers who are not flexible. However, increasing your flexibility can improve your lines and make them more beautiful while you dance.
      Many dancers do not realize that stretching normally does not improve your flexibility, it just warms up your muscles and stretches them to their full potential at the moment, but that is not making you more flexible than you were a week ago. To permanently improve your flexibility you must do deeper stretches. This is where the quote ties in, the stretches today that I am going to explain can be very painful and make you sore but in the end the improvement will be worth it. Also keep in mind this is something that must be done continuously for results.
Rope Stretches:
1. you must have a rope the length of your wing span
2. lay on your back with your hips square and legs bent with your knees facing the ceiling
3. put on leg straight up in the air the you foot fully flexed and your heel trying the go towards the wall behind your head.
4. put the rope around the sole of your foot with each end in your hand and pull as far as you can attempting to get your heal to the wall behind you head. Make sure your leg is completely this for 30 seconds.
5. using the rope bend your knee but leave the heel where it is and pull your leg closer to you. Do this for about 15 seconds.
6. Slowly extend leg all the way straight attempting to get the heel closer to the wall.
7. repeat steps 4-6 about five times and then switch legs.
Be aware that your legs and arms will shake and it will hurt but it will improve your flexibility if you tough out the pain.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Listen to Your Body

"Be Patient. With your body. With your time. With yourself." - anonymous.

      It is a common trend that dancers are sore, overworked, or tired. As dancers we know there is a certain risk we are putting ourselves up for every single time we take the floor. What most people do not realize is that a dancer is putting their body at just as much risk as a football player is.
       The first step at making sure you don't get a career ending injury is listening to your body. You know your limits. If you are profusely hurting or in excruciating pain then you must listen to your body right then in that moment. When you ignore your body attempting to tell you that something is wrong you are raising that risk of injury even higher. Now, dancers, soreness from workouts is a good type of hurt that is making you get better so do not stop from doing your abdominal or other workouts because it "burns," that type of burn is something you should crave not despise.
         The scary thing about this is that most dancers know their body is hurting and that they should sit but they can not accept defeat. What dancers need to get over is that rest is not defeat, it is just a realization of what your body needs so that you may get better. High expectations is a great thing until you don't allow yourself rest because of it. Rest one rehearsal now or miss three competitions in the future, it is ultimately your choice. Just remember a small injury now can turn into a career ending injury within the future.
         It is absolutely crazy how a dancer knows how much risk their is but we forget about it in the moment to be able to do what we love. Maybe this is because dance is a way of expression and a way to get everything out that couldn't be put into words, and it just makes you feel good.
Something to think about: "Yes, I am in recovery. Because even though today was hard, I'm still choosing to be here tomorrow." - anonymous