Sunday, January 24, 2016


"Surround yourself with those who challenge you push you and motivate you." - anonymous
     As a dancer one of the best traits you can have is the ability to take corrections. This can transform a good dancer in to a beyond comparable dancer. However, taking corrections isn't always the easiest thing to do, it can make you feel bad about yourself, or turn you into a monster that you normally are not.
      To be a good teammate it is crucial that you give the people on your team corrections to push them and make not just the person improve as a dancer but the team as a whole will improve. There are some things you must keep in mind while giving corrections though. You must give corrections with a positive tone because corrections can be taken very harshly. Another thing to keep in mind is what mood is the person in at the moment if they are having a bad day make sure you take it a little easier, but still point out the correction. In most cases the correction will not be applied right away every time and you need to realize that that is perfectly ok. Lastly make sure you explain your correction thoroughly so they understand, and that you give them a positive as well and congratulate them on their accomplishments.
       Some things to keep in mind while taking a correction are that corrections aren't personal, the person is correcting you because they know you have the potential to do better and they want you to get better. Take corrections with a positive mindset, always thank them because they are giving you corrections to make you better. Lastly make sure you attempt to apply them right away and ask if you do not understand the correction.
       These things can improve a team tremendously, just remember that corrections are supposed to be positive things not negative things.

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