Friday, October 16, 2015

No Where to Practice

The Kennedy High School Varsity Dance Team is very different from every other sport, or activity at Kennedy; one being we have no practice space. Almost everything at our school has the proper space for that specific sport or activity, besides us. The football team has a field, track team has a track, and there is a soccer field for the soccer teams, baseball and softball diamonds for baseball and softball, gyms for volleyball and basketball teams, a wrestling room for the wrestlers, a pool for the swimmers, even a black box and auditorium for the fine arts.

                Now you are probably wondering why we can’t use one of the two gyms. This is because volleyball and basketball get higher priority over the gyms than we do. The volleyball team uses both gyms at the same time and often the whole night the same as the basketball team during basketball season. They also have open gym nights for their sports and allow the junior cougar programs to use it.

Now your next question is probably, well then where does the dance team practice? The answer to that depends on the day, sometimes we practice in the halls, others the cafeteria, and sometimes the choir room. All of these spaces have downsides to them., especially with a team of 20 girls. The hallway is simply not enough room, no one should have to practice there. We have to stop practice when people are  trying to walk by which is very frequently; and we have had girls hit their head on accident on the pillars because there isn't enough space. The choir room is great because there are mirrors but there is not even close to enough space. When we practice in the cafeteria we have enough space except we spend 20 minutes taking down and putting back tables and chairs, and the floors are absolutely disgusting. The main problem is that all these spaces floor is concrete and dancing on concrete leads to more injuries than ever imaginable. I hope that in the future that the dance team can get a proper practice area. 

1 comment:

  1. I hope in the future we can have enough money to get the dance team a place to practice or even come to a compromise about sharing the gyms with basketball and volleyball etc. I don't think it's fair that we don't have anywhere to practice and that other teams have priorities over us. Concrete is very hard on our bodies, but that doesn't seem to concern the administration, or anyone for that matter.
