Sunday, October 25, 2015

Stack the Stands

Kennedy Varsity had yet another competition this weekend. Prairie High School hosted their annual Stack the Stands dance competition that the Kennedy dance team attends every year. Interesting Fact, the Prairie dance team coaches are all Kennedy High School Varsity Dance Team alum.

                Kennedy dance team started their day off bright and early at seven in the morning. The first half of the day was the solo competition. There were over one hundred soloists, from places all over Iowa and even a few girls from Omaha Nebraska. Even with so many soloists the cougars still did not disappoint. Katie Kolthoff, sophomore placed seventh in the ninth and tenth grade division. Stormy Waldrep, senior placed sixth and Macy Schares (me), junior placed third in the eleventh twelfth grade division.

                The cougars didn’t stop after solos. They competed their jazz routine and felt great about it, and then they watched their biggest competition, Iowa City High. Iowa City High also did fantastic but since their music skipped they got another chance and performed again. After that the cougar dance team had some down time before their pom routine. They all hung out and did homework together in their homeroom, some took naps, and others ate, and socialized.

                Then they got ready to compete and perform their pom dance. They were the last group to compete at the competition. After they performed they thought they did one of their best performances yet. Sadly no one from “The Jungle” what the students at Kennedy Highschool calls their student section, was there. Shortly after they performed awards started, but before that they all danced around together with all the other teams. The Kennedy dance team tied for first with city high in jazz, and won first in pom. Not only that but they got first runner up for highest scoring routine of the whole competition. It was another cougar sweep, but sadly no one from kennedy supported them at their competition like they support football and volleyball. Next weekend there is dance team state solos, and then in a couple weeks there is the team portion of state. Maybe that will be the time for the jungle to stack the stands and make an appearance, and hopefully show the dance team that all of their hard work isn’t going unnoticed.

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