Sunday, September 27, 2015


The audition process is a scary and exciting thing for dancers. It’s a time where doing your best matters the most and it is very stressful. Either your dream can be made or broken all in an instant. However, every audition is different. The one thing that is the same about every audition is the need for the person auditioning, and hoping to get the part to look and act professional.

               A very important part about looking professional is fitting the part of what you are auditioning for. If you are auditioning for a ballet company, it would be in your best interest to wear your hair in a tight, secure, slicked back bun. A lot of dancers use bunmakers, which makes the bun look perfectly polished, and they are not very expensive; you can find them for ten dollars. Also if you were auditioning for a ballet company you would want to wear most likely pink tights and a leotard. That is proper ballet attire which is essential in an audition. In another instance however you might not want a bun, tights, and a leotard. If you are trying out to be a hip hop background dancer for Beyoncé you would want to wear something that would grab the judges or evaluators attention but also looks professional and that is hip hop attire.

Another thing is that you must be ready for anything at an audition. They may ask you to do many different genres or styles of dance so it would be in your best interest to bring all different types of shoes. For example you would want to bring sneakers for hip hop, pointe shoes, or any others. Also you must be ready for them to ask you to dance with no shoes. It is very common for professionals to dance without any shoes on because they can feel the floor better and it is more stable. Lastly you need to go into an audition confident and open minded. Be prepare to do anything the choreographer asks of you and do it without question. Pay close attention to detail because that’s what most people’s fall back is, so if you can show you pick up detail it already sets you above most of the other people there. Lastly relax, have fun, and do what you love.



1 comment:

  1. I really liked this post because you can apply most of it to any sort of audition, and it is very well written! :p
