Thursday, September 17, 2015

Everyone Can Dance

                 Whether it was to celebrate a touchdown, or just dancing in the car because it’s a beautiful day sometime in your life you have danced. Everyone in the world has danced before. Dance is a universal language; it can tell a story, and portray an emotion. People dance when they are happy, to celebrate, and some dance even when they are sad. Dance can not only make you more joyful when you’re happy but can cheer you up and clear your mind from sorrow. You don’t have to be a dancer to dance.

                The most beautiful part of dance is that no disability can stop it. It doesn’t matter if you can’t see or you only have one arm, you can still jump around, sway your body, or twitch your head. Technique doesn’t matter when you are doing it for yourself. Dance is movement and expression and can’t be done wrong. It brings joy to yourself as well as others. Go anywhere in the world and you can find someone dancing.

                Dance is also a part of culture. Many Spanish countries along with others have special dances they perform at festivals and on holidays. The United States of America also has vastly known dances like the “Cha Cha Slide,” “The Cupid Shuffle,” “YMCA,” and many other American favorites. These dances always put everyone in a great mood, and get the party started. The best part about them is you can just follow along.

                There are no rules for dancing; it’s free, fun, and beautiful. If you are having an off day just listen to your favorite song and dance to it; don’t care about what you look like just be yourself and enjoy life because that’s what dance should be about. Dance is for anyone and everyone. If you look around in a busy place I bet you will see someone dancing and having a great time; so join in because you don’t have to be a dancer to dance.

1 comment:

  1. This is very insightful. With this post, I believe you have inspired me to learn how to dance. At the moment, I'm not quite sure where to start. I'm semi-classically trained in the waltz and few other dances in 4. Oh! I've got it! I am ogling to watch all of the Step it up movies and imitate them. Soon I'll be ab le to do the whole series straight through!
