Thursday, September 17, 2015

Dance IS a Sport

A widely discussed debate among high school students is if dance is a sport or not. I would argue that dance is most definitely a sport, and that it is just as much of a sport as football, basketball, baseball, etc. I don't just believe this because I participate in dance, I think this way because dancers do essentially everything any other athlete does. Now, what requirements does something have to meet to be considered a sport? Is a sport something that requires time commitment, physical activity, a try out, and competition?

If a sport requires time commitment then dance is nothing short of it. You might be surprised to find out that high school girls on dance team practice on average anywhere from seven and a half to nine hours at school during the week. On top of that many of them dance at a studio which is another at minimum 3 hours a week and if they are involved in competition for their studio the time requirement is even greater. Also dancers have little to no off season; there is a short two week break for most dancers over the course of a whole year. Dance is not a sport that you can do half way because if you don’t put in the time people are going to pass you because they will be improving at a faster rate. On top of that dance is probably the only physical activity that uses every part of your body and all of your muscles at the same time.

In order to make competition teams for dance there is always a try out or an audition. For Kennedy Varsity Dance Team, not only is there a try out to make the team, but there is also a try out before every competition to see if you are “ready” to compete. So just like football and other sports, only the best get to “play.” For studios, generally you must try out to make the competition group but then you must try out again to see what class you get put in. Not only do dancers compete at competitions they are always competing even at practice.

Dance is not only a time consuming sport that always has you pushing to keep your spot and be on top; it also is a sport that bonds you with your team. Day long competitions are where you are pushed to your limits next to your best friends, and just like any other sport you hope to end up on top. I hope that next time you hear people debate about if dance is a sport or not you choose to side with dance being a sport and give dancers the credit they deserve.


  1. Very well said, I totally agree.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love to dance and this totally shed light on how much people dance and how it is a sport

  4. I love to dance and this totally shed light on how much people dance and how it is a sport
