Sunday, September 20, 2015

The Foundation of Dance

Everything in the world has a foundation. For example: a house has a foundation, sports have basic footwork and moves, and the foundation of dance is ballet. Ballet is not only its own style but also appears in all other styles of dance with the exception of tap. Even in hip hop, ballet makes an appearance; it doesn't follow the same rules but it uses some of the same basic parts of it. The ballet basics are what make every move and technical component of dance possible. With a great ballet foundation every movement should look effortless, which makes dancers look more impressive.

 Ballet was started in the 15th century during the Italian Renaissance, shortly after,  the art form spread around the world like a wild fire. Now there are ballet companies and schools in every part of the world. Ballet is also offered if not required at most local studios. The ballet style itself is very complex and to get into large ballet companies you often have to start at their feeder schools usually before the age of seven. Occasionally people can start when they are older but usually they are not technically advanced enough in that short amount of time to join the larger companies.

In a ballet class you have to be very focused because there are so many little details you do not want to miss; or be practicing wrong. Usually you stand at bars and the teacher will verbally tell you a combination, sometimes they will physically show you but generally they will not in more advanced classes or settings. While doing the combination of basic technique components to classical music you have to be focused on your body alignment. You have to pay attention to which muscles are working and where you’re looking, how your body is lifted, and many other things. After bar you usually do exercises going across the floor of harder technical components or jumps and turns. At the end you do bows and personally go and thank your teacher to show a great amount of respect to him or her.

Ballet is not easy but the basics are a crucial part in every aspect of dance. Great dancers have great technique which starts in the ballet class. Ballet class can be calming but frustrating all at the same time because it takes so much energy from your body and brain because there are so many things to be thinking about. However, you can’t show that all these things are going through your head; you must make it look effortless. Everything has a foundation; and the foundation of dance is ballet.

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