Friday, March 11, 2016

Dancing for free

     Dancing is an activity that many possibly hundreds participate in to fill their time with something they particularly love to do. Dancing is - contrary to belief - a physically demanding sport that is something that I especially like to indulge in, with full participation. Although dancing like everything, has its downfalls, the biggest thing being the time and how costly it is. It being timely is not a big issue for die hard dancers that love the art, but money sometimes is an issue.
      Being a competitive dancer costs an immense amount of money from studio time, to choreography costs, to costumes, to competitions, to travel costs, to hotel expenses and many other things. Luckily I have amazing parents that support me and will do whatever they have to, to give me the best opportunities to do what I love. For that I am endlessly grateful. However, just because you can't afford dance doesn't mean that you should let that stop you. There have been many extremely successful dancers that didn't have money on their side on their journey to the top. One example is Misty Copeland. Misty danced at her local boys and girls club and now is known as one of the most successful and influential dancers of modern time.
      Generally boys and girls clubs will have average quality dance lessons adequate for most, but another option is to ask for a scholarship at a studio. Many studios are willing to give financial aid to young dancers with big hearts, goals, and dreams. You would have to already know basics and have a good foundation for them to be willing to do this. I would guess that an application and essay would need to be written for this as well.
     Another great idea would be to start teaching your self on your own at first. Even some great collegiate dancers have done this. This is uncommon but it is a possibility. It is easy enough to look up YouTube videos and master skills, or stand in front of a mirror and see what moves or style you like best. It doesn't have to be costly to be a gifted dancer you may already have natural talent that is going undiscovered currently that you haven't tapped into yet. The worst thing you can do is let money keep you from doing something you love. It costs virtually nothing to find an empty space and move, not be told how to move but to move how you want to move. "It will cost you nothing to dream, and everything not to." - anonymous

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