Thursday, March 24, 2016


    This past weekend I attended the Nuvo dance competition and convention. It was a long, sweaty, fun, inspirational weekend that I will remember for a long time. One of the coolest parts of Nuvo is their amazing faculty. Nuvo is directed by Ray Leeper, and some other big names that are apart of their faculty are: Travis and Denise wall, Stacey Tookey, Kim Mcswain, Ivan Koumaev, Chebar Williams, Jason Parsons, Mark Meismer, and many more. Most dancers likely know a few of these professional dancers.
    My favorite part about Nuvo and its faculty is how accepting and encouraging they are. They make sure you know you are special and know that where you are is a safe place where you can take risks. It is very important to take risks as a dancer and to push your limits to improve, and the staff did exactly that. They made sure you knew that just because someone was better than you today, you can always be better than them tomorrow if you work for it. The staff just put off a good positive vibe that was very encouraging. This lowered the pressure and made the weekend a lot more fun.
     Another great thing about Nuvo is that they had a wide variety of classes. They had Contemporary, Lyrical, Jazz, hip hop, heels, tap, and ballet. Surprisingly one of my favorite classes was tap. This is strange because I do not take tap and haven't since I was probably around five years old. This was one of my favorites because of the teacher Anthony Morigerato. Not only was he an amazing teacher and a huge inspiration but he also holds the worlds record for the most amount of taps in one minute. Anthony understood that tap wasn't a lot of the dancers strong suits or may have seemed like a foreign language but he still encouraged everyone to try. To my surprise I still remembered basic steps from when I was younger and even picked up on a few ones but despite that I probably looked like I had two left feet. That didn't matter though because I was trying and having fun.
     The whole weekend was one to remember I grew a ton as a dancer and even as a person. I have been inspired and look at learning choreography in a new way, I also feel a lot more confident because I know new things I can work on and have different tricks to approach things I need to fix. Lastly I got to dance with the best of the best and that is something I will never forget.

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