Friday, March 11, 2016

Healthy Dancers

     Everyone knows that it is important to have a good diet, well dancers generally know that this is crucial. When doing so much physical exertion it is important that you are getting all the nutrients that you need.
     Water is your new best friend. I especially have trouble with this on,e I forget to drink water or I just simply don't want to. Reality is that I have to suck it up and drink it anyways to keep me healthy. Not only does staying hydrated keep you healthy but it also decreases the probability of receiving a cramp. I think every dancer knows how it feels to be in the middle of a bar combination and have their foot cramp and have sharp excruciating pain. Luckily water can solve these minor road blocks.
       Carbs are also very important. It is misconceived that carbs are "bad" for you when in all reality they are necessary for carrying out living functions they give you energy. Yes their are certain types of carbs that aren't as good for you like white bread and white rice. The only reason they are bad though is that they aren't natural they have been stripped of important nutrients.
        Protein this can be received through shakes or bars, or regular food. Proteins are one of the most important foods you can be eating because they are considered "the building blocks of life." They just like carbs help carry out necessary functions to keep your body going. The only downfall of protein is if you get a protein over load causing strain on your kidneys. Luckily this is not common and would take outrageously immense amounts of protein which would make you feel sick before you got to the over load point.
        These are only a select few of the important things that you need in your diet to keep you going through long hard dance practices. Make sure you keep a well rounded healthy diet all the time.

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