Friday, March 11, 2016

Unused Potential

"Nothing holds you back more than your own insecurities." - anonymous
      Dancing is abstract exotic movement, it can be beautiful, unique, intense, anything you want it to be and the only person stopping it from being what you want is yourself. Many dancers are scared to try new things and put their self out there for the fear of messing up, or being judged, or possibly even ruining their image. But what we as dancers need to realize is that others simply do not care enough to judge you. Dancers are so focused on their own selves and their own self images that they have no time to judge one another. If you thing about it, while you are dancing, do you judge anyone around you? No probably not. So why do we tell ourselves that other will?
       The first step is to stop being your own worst enemy is to stop caring what the dancers around you think because chances are they aren't thinking about you in the first place. You are the only one holding yourself back from being better. What a shame it will be when your time as a dancer is up and you haven't reached your full potential because you were scared.
       If you see a cool new challenging trick, try it. If you see a girl that is dancing bigger than you, try to dance even bigger than her. If you see movement quality or style you like but have never tried it now is the time to do it. Don't let the fear of messing up or looking weird or spastic stop you from increasing your talent level. You will be able to tell if you look crazy or your teacher will tell you. If or when this happens take it as a learning experience and not an embarrassing comment. In the end it is only going to help you improve.
       Us dancers need to come together to help encourage one another to get out of our comfort zones and push each others boundaries. Do not let your potential go unused and wasted because what a waste that will be when your time as a dancer is up.

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