Tuesday, February 16, 2016

10 Reasons

"We dance because it is what we love to do."
        There is an immense amount of reasons to dance wether it's celebration, to cope with feelings, or just for fun. Generally though, dance has a deeper meaning than some would guess. Dance can save people it can pull them from poverty into the American Ballet like it did for Misty Copland, it can give you the opportunity to meet new people and create new friendships that can change your life , and it can even allow you to move other people.
           Here are the top ten reasons why i am a dancer.
1. It allows me to express myself. When there are words I can not find I can dance to get everything bottled up inside, out.
2. There are no rules. Of course there is technique you have to worry about but you actually are so free with what you do. The more unique and personal it is the more beautiful it is.
3. I love to perform and be on stage. Performing is my absolute favorite thing in the whole entire world. To get lost in a performance and know you nailed it by the time you exit the stage is by far the best feeling in the world.
4. It has lead me to meet many new people and create great friendships that will last a life time. My life would be completely different if I didn't know the people I have met through dance.
5. It's a fun way to exercise. Not only am I having fun doing what I love but I am keeping my body healthy and staying in great shape.
6. It has also helped me become a better academic learner. Because dance is memory and retaining information I can memorize and retain information faster in a school setting. This allows for reduced stress which leads me into the next reason.
7. Dancing makes you feel good. Whether you are stressed,upset, furious, nervous: dancing helps. It can clear your mind and get rid of all of your bad feelings to the point where sometimes you forget why you even felt like that in the first place.
8. It has taught me how to communicate with others. If I didn't dance I would probably still feel awkward using eye contact. With dance you have to create a physical and mental connection with your partners and you have to get over the "this is awkward feeling." Now I am able to hold eye contact great in fact I love it because you can read so much about a person through their eyes.
9. It's natural. I find myself dancing almost all the time, even when there isn't music on, it just something that I always do because I love it.
10. Dance is my escape. I can be anyone, play any role, act any part and for that time being I can escape reality and breathe for a little without any worries.
These are some of the many reasons why I dance and have continued to spent countless hours on it since the age I was two. Dance is a part of me and always will be.

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