Monday, February 8, 2016

Core Strength

"You get what you work for... Not what you wish for." -anonymous
    Every dancer knows that it is very important to have a strong core. Almost every move, trick, turn, comes from power within your core. However not every dancer had the discipline to work on their core, even though it makes all the difference.
      My favorite core exercise is called "the series of five" I learned it at my dance studio "The Dancers Edge." It is quick fun and very effective. Now, before I teach you how to execute the series of 5 ab workout you must know how to start. Dancers want a strong core on the inside not abs that body builders have that stick out. It is more effective for dancers to have stronger inner core muscle and to achieve this you must lay with your back completely flat on the ground. Yes, I know this is hard but you need to eliminate any space that there is between your back and the floor. Think of your belly button as a bathtub drain and anchor the drain to the bottom of the tub (the floor). You must remember to keep your back like this the whole time. You also must engage your core the entire time as well to get the most out of it.
1. Lay on the ground like we talked
2. Lift shoulders off of the ground as well as legs straight lifted slightly of the ground
3. Move one knee up to chest leave the other straight then switch at the same time. Do this for 2 counts of eight or 16 counts.
4. Next leave one leg straight hovering above the ground while you lift the other leg (still straight) towards your body and pull it back even more, switch and continue for 16 counts.
5. After that you are going to do the table top, extend arms over head hovering above the ground and have legs extended straight hovering above the ground, then pull in legs to a table top position while you pull in arms as well do this for 16 counts
6. For this one you get to rest your neck and put your shoulders down but make sure your back is still flat. You are going to do 16 counts of leg lifts lowering your legs to hovering above the ground all the way up to 90 degrees.
7. Now we are on the last one, you are going to repeat me the bicycle kicks but this time when your knee comes to your chest you touch your opposite elbow to it. Do this also for 16 counts.
When you are done stretch it out. This is a super quick and fun way to get a strong core. However, make sure you do it correctly.

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