Monday, February 1, 2016

Lessons not Mistakes

"A mistake should be your teacher, not your attacker. A mistake is a lesson not a loss. It is a temporary, necessary detour, not a dead end." - anonymous
    Any dancers biggest and worst fear is making a mistake, messing up on stage in front of judges and tons of people. However what if we looked at mistakes from a different point of view to bring positivity to the situation.
     In the scheme of things mistakes can be a beautiful thing, they show that you are in fact human. No mortal is ever going to nail a performance perfectly every single time. Mistakes show there is room for improvement it makes a realization occur that there are things you can do to better yourself as a dancer. This realization is refreshing and a great reminder, hopefully you take it as motivation to work on what you messed up on and other things as well.
     In the case that you do mess up on stage on accident here are some things to do.
1. Do not panic that might be the worst possible thing you can do
2. Keep your performance up on your face, if you do this chances are that most people will not even realize a mistake was made
3. Do not freeze, improv if you have to just feel the music and make something up
4. Forgive yourself and move on don't let your mistake ruin the rest of your performance.
5. Do not let is discourage you, a mistake doesn't make you any less of a dancer, however, how you handle it can make you a better dancer
These things can help turn your mistake into a positive who knows, maybe your mistake made your performance even better. Just know that every dancer makes them even principles in outstanding ballet companies. It's a normal thing but break the norm of a dancer being upset from mistakes and make sure you turn it into a positive thing. It is something to work on to make you better, who wouldn't be excited to know what they can work on to improve?
"You are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed and you are still beautiful." -Amy Bloom

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