Thursday, February 4, 2016

Performance Rush

"It's an amazing thing to be able to perform and get a reaction from people that don't know you. They don't automatically think you're wonderful because they love you, they love you because of the story you're telling on stage." - Aviva Wolmen Werne
      As a dancer something I love more than anything in the world is performing. The feeling of being on stage or in a gymnasium in front of a bunch of people with the hot lights hitting you, doing what you love. What could be better than sharing your love of dancing and performing with a huge audience?
      Some of you may know that I am also a member of Kennedy High  Schools Varsity Show Choir, Happiness Incorporated. Show choir and dance are very similar in how they are both subjective activities, their is no way to ensure the win because everything is based off of opinion. Well, something magical happened on the hot sweaty stage during the night round at Davenport North's show choir competition, The Big Dance, while Happiness Inc. was performing. This feeling I hope every performer gets to experience sometime in their life.
        Happiness after day rounds was ranked in fifth place and no one understood why. However, the group  of talented singers and dancers took this as a challenge. During the night rounds we fixed things like diction, movements, dynamics, etc. everyone remembered everything and the show just sort of clicked. It was the type of feeling that radiated off of one person into the next, the whole group was roaring with excitement. Not only did we make an emotional connection with ourselves and each other, but we made an emotional connection with the audience. We moved the audience to tears in our ballad and had them rolling with laughter in our novelty.
         After the show we all knew we nailed it, the feeling we had as a group is a something that none of us will ever forget. We were all jacked up on energy and felt like we could go  out there and do it all over again but at the same time we were so extremely exhausted. Now, that night the judges still had ranked them in fifth even after the super hype and emotional show. The placement didn't matter because we were our own judges and we knew we had a great show and moved people and ourselves and the feeling we got after we performed was a feeling that a first place trophy could never bring us. That feeling is the thing every dancer and performer lives for. That feeling is why I love what I do.

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