Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Beauty in Simplicity

"To watch us dance is to hear our hearts speak" -anonymous
       Many people in the audience don't realize that the simple details are what completes the story line in a dance. The little details draw you in to focus on certain things and make you feel a certain way without you even knowing.
      The simplest details that make the biggest amount of difference is the texture of your hands. Once a dancer figures this out and realizes how to utilize it correctly they have the ability to control the audiences emotions to a certain extent.
        The hands can portray strength, weakness, poor, excitement and pretty much anything else you could think of. To do this effectively you must do it sincerely, you have to believe the storyline and follow it to make it come across correctly to the audience.
      My favorite hand texture is what my studio The Dancers Edge calls the Jaimie hand after Jaimie Goodwin who taught them this the first time she came to their studio. How to create the texture is to put your hand up to your cheek to achieve the desired shape and then leave it in that shape or somewhere close to that while you dance.
        The other thing that creates all the difference is your eyes, your eyes have the ability to tell the story themselves. The biggest thing to avoid is shaky eyes, this means don't continue to shift your eyes. If you don't lock contact and find points to connect with the audience and stick to a focus during certain moments your story seems less believable.
       Go through your piece and pick parts to link focuses too, almost like you see a person and you don't want to look away. This will create all the difference and make your story one hundred percent more believable and effective.
       These are two of the most simplest details and if you can achieve and master these you have the power to move people. The simplest details make the biggest amount of difference.

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