Tuesday, February 16, 2016

First Performance

"Whatever you do, do it well. Do it so well that when people see you do it they will want you to come back and do it again and they will want to bring others and show them how well you do what you do." Walt Disney
      I'm sure every performer has a funny first performance story. Whether they missed their stage time, tripped and fell, forgot the dance, or froze on stage. Mine however might be a little different than most.
       I started dance at the age of 2 so basically right after I started walking. I sat at the studio through the first two years of my life watching my older sister McKenna in her dance classes. I couldn't stop dancing so my mom put me in classes early. I imagine that I was most likely a teachers pet and a little ball of energy, eager to learn that had an attention span of probably about 5 minutes.
      My class was 30 minutes ballet and 30 minutes tap but our recital dance was going to be tap. Our recital dance was to Look At That Doggy in the Window. We wore full Dalmatian suits with ears and everything. Back then and even to this day I have been terrified of dogs so you have to imagine the terror on my face when I saw myself in that dog suit.
        After getting over the fact that innocent "monsters" or dogs turned me into one of them I was ready to dance. We got on stage and the stage lights blinded me. I couldn't really see anyone and forgot the dance so I just thought it was the warm up. So two year old Macy stood on stage picking her nose shaking her butt. My finger was so far up my nose I was probably poking my brain. About halfway through the song I turned around and started wagging my tail to the audience that I just though was an empty black room.
     Although I didn't do the right dance I was quite the entertainment and made the crowd laugh. So I guess my first recital wasn't a complete blow out, just slightly embarrassing looking back on it. Now 14 years later I am no longer picking my nose on stage I actually do the right dance.

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