Thursday, February 18, 2016


Prove them wrong.
     As a young dancer it is very important to set goals. You should set big long term goals and set smaller short term goals as well. Goals are important for a lot of things, one of which is progress.
      Having a goal and sticking to it with a "failure is not an option" attitude while create immense growth in whatever you are doing. This is huge because once most dancers get "good" then plateau and don't improve vastly but maybe slightly, even though they have the potential to make their talent sky rocket.
       Another reason to have goals is to create an excitement or something to look towards. How exciting and rewarding is it when you achieve a goal that you have been reaching and working so hard to grasp? That may be one of the best feelings in the world. It shows you that you have made progress and that now its time to set a higher goal.
       One thing that you really have to remember while working towards a goal is that you have to stay positive. Positivity is key and negativity will only draw you back even further from reaching your goal the is definitely obtainable. Reality is that people are going to tear you apart and tell you that you are never going to reach it and to be more realistic. That's when you look at them and decide in that moment that you are going to prove them wrong.
       When people tell you that your goals are too high and to keep dreaming let it be motivation, let it fuel your fire. Of course it is going to sting like an open wound that comes in contact with hand sanitizer but you must get over that and push forward. Why would you ever let someone else ruin something for you that you are willing to work for and give everything to. You can do so much more than you actually know so set your goals big and work for them until you reach them. Prove the negative people who want to see you fail wrong. Never give up; achieving high set goals is a lengthy process but what more do you have to lose than regretting not taking a chance at an opportunity that is rightfully yours to better your self.
"You only fail when you stop trying." - anonymous

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