Monday, February 1, 2016

Your biggest Critic

"The only dancer that you should compare yourself to is the one that you used to be." -anonymous
       Every dancer wants to get better because who wouldn't want to be the best? However, what most dancers don't realize is that they are the ones holding their own self back. This may sound weird but just step back and think about it. When is the last time you have compared yourself to another dancer? When was the last time you envied someone because of their outstanding talent? When was the last time you looked back on all of your hard work and congratulated yourself for how far you have come? If you answered these questions like I did then maybe you will realize just like me that you are the one holding yourself back.
     The first way to stop being your own obstacle is to get out of your head. Stop worrying about what other people will think, or if you look weird. Who cares? You are doing what you love and the only way you are going to get better and improve is if you just go for it and don't let other people intimidate you and scare you out of getting better at what you love.
       The next step is to use other people's talent and maybe even your own jealousy as fuel. Let watching other people light a fire in you to get better. Tell yourself that one day you will be able to do exactly what they are doing too. Don't be afraid to try new things, that is your worst enemy. You must try new things to get better it's a fact. Make sure you aren't afraid to ask for help. There are so many people out there that are very willing to help so don't be afraid to use outside resources.
        Lastly don't forget to reward yourself, look back on old videos and laugh at how clumsy you used to be and then watch new videos and congratulate yourself on your improvement. Don't be too easy on yourself though, make sure while watching resent videos that you wrote down corrections and things that you would like to work on.
         By doing these things you can turn yourself from being your worst enemy and biggest obstacle to your best friend and biggest helper. It's easy. Just believe that you have what it takes to be the best and it will get you that much closer to it. Looking at things with a positive outlook and open mind will never fail either.

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