Friday, February 19, 2016

Start from Scratch

The basics.
Starting from square one.
       Technique is on the rise and the pressure to get yours perfect is rising with it. The issue today is that it is much easier to "master" harder things than to rework your alignment and basic technique by starting from square one and working upwards. Good dancers practice the hard stuff while smart and great dancers revisit the basics that will strengthen their more difficult technical steps, and speed up the mastering process for them while working on new elements.
        However even though I know this it is still very hard for me to follow through with it. I will be the first to admit that going over the basics isn't always fun. You see a flawless technical step and want to execute it the same way the quickest way possible, and that doesn't always mean the most effective. Its boring, yeah i get it! But i promise it will be well worth it. You will never get a consistent quad if you cant execute a clean double one hundred percent of the time.
        However, without reviewing and polishing up the basics before attempting to learn a new element you will most likely create a plethora of other bad habits. Now that the element is in your muscle memory it will take twice as long to break those habits. This all can be reduced; it is easy. Review and master the basics before trying to perfect the more rigorous steps. maybe video tape yourself like i talked about in my last post.
        Whatever way you approach this give it time. You will most likely find error in your alignment and when you have to fix that everything else will be thrown off as well. It WILL get worse before it gets better nine times out of ten. You have to push through and make sure to tell yourself it will be worth it and that it will eventually pay off because it will. Once you polish up and master the basics the rest comes easier. Make sure you go back and refresh your self often though because it is easy to resort back to old bad habits that you worked so hard to throw away.

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